Hustle Harder

I cannot wait to accomplish my dreams. With my business, I have already reached some goals I didn’t think was possible a year ago today. However, they are not my dreams. My dreams go far far far beyond my goals. I have a million goals and maybe just a handful or two of dreams. I am hell bent on achieving everything. 

My main motivator is Axel. Period. He drives me so hard and his sweet innocent face is a constant reminder of why I want to set a great example of work ethic. 

My second motivator is how bad I want to give. I want to give to strangers at the store, cars parked next to me. I want to help my family members accomplish their dreams. There’s so much I want to do, but giving is a huge chunk of it all. 

When I start to feel like I can’t or I won’t, I work 10x harder and that has a lot to do with Brian and how much he motivates me verbally. 

Tackle whatever it is you want to do today. Today, I’m tackling my business goals. 


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